Blog of the Angels

1001 angelical secrets to share

Archangel Jeremiel: Angel of Hope

archangel jeremiel

Archangel Jeremiel is an angel of hopeful visions and dreams. We all are fighting private battles, thwarted aspirations, and grief that cripples naturally. In amidst of all this chaos, we find messages for hope and motivation. God plans everything. He has planned for this specific problem too. He communicates motivational and hopeful messages from God […]

Archangel Gabriel

archangel gabriel

Known as the angel of revelation, Archangel Gabriel has a very significant role in many religions. Gabriel means “Strong Man of God.” The name itself shows how important of an angel is. He is often met in dreams by many people. Whenever you encounter white or copper light, it is a sign that He was […]

Claircognizance – the instinctive ability of clear awareness


Have you ever met someone new and known immediately and accurately what their weaknesses and strengths are? Or were you able to predict a certain situation that might occur in the future? Or do you get impulsive ideas? If YES then you probably have the rare gift of claircognizance. What is Claircognizance? It is also […]

White Sage Smudging to cleanse your aura and space

white sage

It is a plant found in high desert ecosystems and grows commonly in the Mountain West and California. Sage smudging is one of the purest and ancient techniques of cleansing a people, a person or space. Although Native American white sage smudging is the most popular form of it currently, it has nonetheless been used […]