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The Angel Card Reading is a very specific divinatory art known to be hard to master. Its complexity proves the reliability of the answers. I offer the best Online Accurate card reading.

I am calling on you, Padre, the Angels’ Messenger, because I wish to test your first free angel card reading.

Whatever your wish may be, think about it when you make your request. Your Guardian Angel accompanies you and guides you to brand new happiness.

Would you like to know who your Protective Guardian Angel is? Discover the revelations made by the Cards of the Angels thanks to this 100% Free draw.

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Free Angel Card Reading

We feel them around us. That warm presence that is next to us everywhere. They are the Angels that protect us and guide us through life. They make the connection between us and God and they can transmit to God what we want to tell Him.

Everybody has an Angel that protects them. Everybody has a warm presence that tells them when they are wrong or shows them what the right path is. Would you like to know who your Protective Guardian Angel is?

Sometimes we feel that we want to see the Angel that protects us. Sometimes we feel a little bit incomplete if the single message that we get is a sign.

That is why I will talk to the Angels and will give you a free Angel card reading.

What is a Free Angel Card Reading?

Like the free tarot reading, a Free Angel card reading is a way for me to help you get in real touch with the Angels.

Like Angel Numbers, these Celestial beings protect us and transmit to us messages in order to give us only the beautiful parts we need to have a good life.

There are cards that were written with the power and the love of God and His Angels, thus the Angel messenger. These cards will show you what your Angel must tell you.

These cards, like the oracle cards,  have strong powers and as long as you believe in God and in the power of the Angels, the reading that you will receive will help you in what you want to do.

You just need to have faith and believe that an Angel card reading will make you see the light.

You must know that Oracle cards are different from Tarot cards. In the traditional culture of Tarot, there are 78 cards that are split into two parts: 22 major arcana cards and 56 minor arcana cards.

They tell you about your past, present, and future. They are not focused on a single subject, they tell the story of your life in all aspects.

Oracle cards don’t have a specific number and they are focused on specific, different directions. My free card reading is based on Oracle cards because Angel card readings are the most popular.

You will ask why and I am here to give you the answer: because nothing is more important for the human being than his connection to God.

God created people like me to give you a free Angel card reading to help you and to make the connection between you and His Angels.

Free Angel Card Reading Messages

Therefore, you will get your response from the Angels through me.

Angel Card Reading: Angel of Life Purpose

Every person in this world has a purpose and a goal. When we are born, God gives us a Guardian Angel to protect us and He gives us a purpose. He has a book for everyone. And that book is about our lives. Thus, our life purpose is found.

The Angel of life purpose is always here to remind us what our purpose in life is while guiding us to accomplish our life goals.

If you have a moment in your life when you simply don’t know what your purpose is, my free Angel card reading will help you to see if there is a problem and what to do in this case.

This Angel speaks to you using events in your life. Maybe you can’t find a job you want. Maybe you found it, but it is not as you expected it to be.

Maybe the company you work for is going through a moment of crisis and you are cut off.

Don’t despair, this is the way that you are told that it is the moment for you to start working on your life purpose.

Maybe it is not your call and you don’t realize it. Maybe it’s time to start your own business and to practice something that you like.

That is your life purpose and a free angel card reading will help you see if you are in that phase of your life or not.

Don’t be afraid to contact me to see the truth about your life. The Angels will talk to you!

Angel Card Reading: Angel of Celebration

You need to celebrate. But what if you have nothing to celebrate?

The real meaning of this Angel card is that you just got a message from the Angel that tells you to find something to celebrate.

There are many reasons for this. All kinds of reasons. You don’t have to do something extraordinarily big to celebrate. Is your mother well?

Celebrate. Are both your parents alive and happy to see you growing up?

Celebrate. Maybe your daughter is there, next to you, well, reading a book and has her mother’s eyes, those beautiful eyes. Celebrate!

This Angel card tells you that we have so many reasons to be happy and to celebrate, but we don’t see them because we are focused on other things that we consider more important than these.

What is more important than your beloved family and the things they do? What is more important than little things that make you happy?

Is there a sunny day after a lot of rainy days? Do you wake up and see the sun shining in the sky?

Celebrate. Nothing is more important than these little elements that build our true happiness.

Maybe you have one of those days when you don’t see anything good. Come to me and through my free Angel card reading, you will find the real reason for your sadness.

Angel Card Reading: Angel of Heart’s Desire

Deep inside our hearts, we have strong desires that maybe we are afraid to accomplish. This is not about the purpose of life.

This is about the little things that we want. But we don’t have the courage to act because we think that they will not be possible.

The Angel card of heart’s desire shows us that it is time to trust in ourselves and to make our desire happen. Desires come from the bottom of our souls.

Our soul is the Expanded Self. It knows better than anyone what we desire and what we should do to fulfill our desires.

The Angel of Heart’s Desire is a very protective Angel that protects you and your desires.

Free Angel Card Readings – Angel of Emergencies

Sometimes we face moments that we were not expecting. Bad things happen to us and we can’t prevent them because there are emergencies in our life.

The Angel of Emergencies will help us overcome these bad moments.

We feel that everything around us is crushing down. Even our Guardian Angel can’t prevent it.

That is the reason why you need a free Angel card reading: to know what is going to happen to you.

Emergencies are obstacles in our life. They are like a test and we have to pass it, and what will happen if we know that the Angel of Emergencies exists and can help us.

Free Angel Card reading

Angel Card Reading: Angel of Synchronicity

You have a great job, you have a great family, or you started your own business, you took a painting, or music class, or something that you like very much and everything is going well.

You expect a child and you find out that everything is well with him and he will be healthy.

Or maybe you just found the love of your life. Do you think that all of these came to you simply because?

The Angel of Synchronicity is there for you. But how do you know these things? A free Angel card reading will help you know them.

The Angel of Synchronicity card tells you that the universe is there with you. Every step you take is supervised by the Universe. You are in balance with the Universe.

Angel Card Reading: Angel of Positive Thinking

To exercise positive thinking even if the world is crushing down around you is a healthy way of living your life.

Positive thinking helps you at your job, in your relationships with people, in your family and with all the good things you want to do.

Even if what you want to do isn’t working for the moment, exercising positive thinking will show you how to manage the situation and you will find a solution to get through it.

A free Angel card reading will come to you with help. I am here to show you that everything has a solution.

The Angel of Positive Thinking is very keen on putting positive affirmations in your mind to help you maintain a calm state of mind.

It is known that positive affirmations eventually help the brain to think positively and to stay on the right track.

The way people treat you and talk to you is the way you treat them and you talk to them. They come into your life to show you what to change or what to keep.

If there are not many positive thinking people around you it means you have to make a change in you.

By starting with changing your way of thinking you will change something in every person around you.

Stay positive and think positive.

Angel Card Reading: Angel of the Home

How beautiful “home” sounds. But do we know what home means? Some will say that home is a place to live.

I would say that home is that place where you feel loved and protected. A home could be a human being that is important to you and makes you feel good.

Your family is your home. If you pick the Angel of Home in the free Angel card reading it means that you need to return to your family.

Many of us have a job away from family. Many of us live in cities or countries far away from the ones we love the most.

When you find yourself thinking about your family, about people you love and they are far away from you, it means that there is the presence of the Angel of Home.

He tells you to find time to go back home for some days; to see the one who cares for you the most and to fill your soul and mind with love.

Angel Card Reading: Angel of Problem Solved

Your head is full of problems. Your mind is worried and your soul has no peace. You face more and more unhappy things.

You want a change, but you are not able to do it now. You want to act, but you can’t. It seems like you have no solutions to your problems. It seems that you cannot help yourself anymore.

Suddenly, there might be a solution. It is a sign from the Angel of Problem Solved.

He saw what you went through and he is here to help you. The Angel of Problem Solved gives you the answers to your questions about how to act in some situations.

Angel Card Reading: The Angel of Protection

You are protected by the Angel and prayer of Protection. Every bad thing that tries to come into your life will be dismissed by this Angel.

To know for sure that this Angel exists in your life, a free Angel card reading would be better than not knowing anything.

The Angel of Protection brings you a deep inner sense of security, no matter where you are and what you do.

This Angel’s mission is to tell you that no matter what will happen in your life, you will be safe and secure through his Celestial powers.

Angel Card Reading: Angel of Divine Balance

The Angel of Divine Balance tells you that you are in perfect balance with God.

You are protected, everything will go well in your life, your plans will come to a good end, your goals will be achieved, your loved ones are well and you feel a warm presence.

God is with you in everything you do.

Why do you need a Free Angel Card Reading?

Not all of us know how to interpret and read the messages from God and the Angels. And not everyone knows that they are always in our life. My Free Angel Card Reading can help you and is made especially for you.

You need to know these signs and you need to know what is prepared for you.

Learn more about the Guardian Angels: