Blog of the Angels

1001 angelical secrets to share

7 Signs of Spiritual Awakening

spiritual awakening

Everyone has a time in their life where nothing is going right, and everything seems to be a mess. When the chaos of our life gets too much to bear, and our patience level starts to go down, and we start to lose out on life. It is a time when God starts to test […]

The Archangel Gabriel Prayer

archangel gabriel prayer

There are many websites that claim to have insights and secrets related to the archangel Gabriel prayer. Some will suggest certain phrases or words, others will convince you to memorize entire passages. Some claim to have specific prayers to Gabriel. The truth is that as with any prayer, the prayer to this archangel is a […]

Tune into a Wave of New Energy with Angel Orion

angel orion

Angel Orion? Never heard of him? It’s pretty normal if you have not heard of him because many people have not. He is a new angel in the angelic realm who sits with the rest of the archangels. His abilities extend to healing individuals and helping them discover their full potential. Channeling Angel Orion Like […]

Full Moon Water to Recharge Your Body, Mind, and Spirit!

moon water

Has it ever happened to you that you had a long day of back to back meetings scheduled with different clients and you are on your way back from office tired and very sleepy… All of a sudden, the full moon rises above you, and you start to feel a crazy sense of energy inside […]