Words of Wisdom – Confucius’ quote

The magic of a quote lies in that everyone can interpret it their own way. Life and its interpretation may provide the opportunity to reflect, to find inspiration or to be moved by the beauty of the message or by its depth. Meditate on these words of wisdom about Life…
Confucius, great Chinese Philosopher, wrote this beautiful sentence back in 550 BC:
What does this mean?
Confucius tries to make us realize we only have one life, and that it should not be forgotten… We won’t get another chance to start over again.
Our “first life” is that of insouciance. The second is that of awareness.
During the first one, we tend to think we have a lot of time ahead of us… enough time to do, love and undertake…
Then, one day, we open our eyes – maybe due to some difficult event we have to face – to see we are alive and have to savor every moment in life.
That is when we begin our second life. It is a genuine rebirth. That is when our outlook on the world begins to change. We discover what really matters and learn to make the most of each moment.